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Tips to Pass the Citizenship Test

Settling down in Australia is a much-coveted dream for many a person of another country who would like to become a permanent resident in this land of abundant opportunities. However, there are several prerequisites to be met and one such requirement is passing the Australian Citizenship Test.

About the Test

This test is critical to applying for Australian citizenship. During the course of this test the various skill levels of the candidate will be evaluated and it is required to demonstrate proficiency in the required skills needed if the candidate has applied for an occupation. In fact, 60 points are allocated to occupations needing training. Points are allocated under other headings as well. How then, does a person aim at getting the required number of points? This is easy if you know how.

Preparing for Points

  • The easiest way of getting sufficient guidance and information to score a sufficient level of points is by registering with an online study site; there are several such sites available on the internet.
  • Make sure that you register with a reliable study portal with a good track record. You can ensure the genuineness of the site by having a look at the reviews that the site gets from its past candidates.
  • To be eligible for joining an occupation in Australia, a trade certificate is mandatory. These details will be furnished by the study site.
  • Once you have registered with a reliable study portal it is essential to prepare a schedule and stick to it. You need to treat the Citizen Test as a board exam where passing is the only option you will allow.
  • These study portals have lots of mock tests and assessment is done on a regular basis, enabling you to monitor your progress and take corrective action on the constructive feedback that you receive.
  • A very useful tip for passing the Citizenship Test is to get acquainted with the guides which are supplied to you by study portals.
  • Always make notes of salient points and facts as you go along. This will come in handy when you do your final revision a few days before the test. Give special attention to dates, names and years.
  • Do participate in as many mock tests as possible. Once you are done with a mock test, do not abandon it – make a list of your incorrect answers to understand where you went wrong and learn the correct answers. You should retake the test to aim at getting better and better results with each consecutive attempt. Remember, several of these answers are quite likely to come in the final test.
  • Keep a record of your progress in terms of points you get in the mock tests. This will keep you on track at all times.

If you follow these basic tips, you are likely to find the Australian Citizenship Test not as tough as it initially seemed to you.

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