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Yom HaShoah in Australia

 This year: Monday, May 6th, 2024

Holocaust refers to the killing of millions of Jews in Europe during the World War II, as commanded by the Nazi Government of Germany. Nazi ought to destroy the Jewish population that slowly progressed from 1933. In 1945, millions of Jews were led to camos and they were killed through poisonous gas. The infamous Holocaust, or also known as Shoah, is always remembered by the Jewish community. The event is called Yom HaShoah, or The Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Australia and the Holocaust Remembrance Day

Many Australians have Jewish roots on them, not to say that the country also has a strong presence of Jewish community. Due to the Australia-Jewish connection, Yom HaShoah is being observed in this country. Holocaust Remembrance Day happens on the 27th of the Nisan month which is the first month of the Jewish calendar. Many commemorative activities are held during this event, all of which are for remembering the millions of lives that were lost during the Holocaust.

The synagogues in Australia hold Yom HaShoah rituals services that are appropriate for the event. The activities during the Yom HaShoa include lighting of the candles, offering prayers to the millions of Jews who lost their lives, and singing hymns.  There are six candles to be lighted to represent the six million Jews that died during this period. The survivors of the Holocaust, or any of their family members, are also given the opportunity to share their Holocaust stories and how they were able to survive.  During the event, Holocaust materials are also being sold for the commemoration of the event, like books and other memorabilia. The Book of Names has become a fixed symbol of the Yom HaShoa. This book contains the names of those who suffered and died in the Holocaust period. There are also groups who make an effort to read the names from The Book of Names, and they do it in a cemetery or near a Holocaust memorial.

The young generation of the Jewish community is being introduced to Holocaust’s story and background during the Yom HaShoah. In align to their learning, the parents also allow the students to watch movies or films that tackle on what transpired during the Holocaust. The students are also encouraged to participate in forums and discussions about the Holocaust.

Australia does not declare Yom HaShoah a federal holiday. This means that Yom HaShoa does not require the offices, schools, and establishments to close on this day, unless it falls on a non-working day. There are no obstructions in the traffic, and transportation companies operate during the Yom HaShoa. Flights going in and out of Australia are also not affected by the observance of the Holocaust.

Weekday Date Year Name Holiday Type Where it is Observed
Monday Apr 8 2013 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Monday Apr 28 2014 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday Apr 15 2015 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday May 4 2016 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Monday Apr 24 2017 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday Apr 11 2018 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday May 1 2019 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Apr 21 2020 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday Apr 7 2021 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday Apr 27 2022 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Apr 18 2023 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Monday May 6 2024 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday Apr 23 2025 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Apr 14 2026 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Tuesday May 4 2027 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Monday Apr 24 2028 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday Apr 11 2029 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Apr 30 2030 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Monday Apr 21 2031 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday Apr 7 2032 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Apr 26 2033 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Monday Apr 17 2034 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Monday May 7 2035 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday Apr 23 2036 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Monday Apr 13 2037 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Monday May 3 2038 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday Apr 20 2039 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Apr 10 2040 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Monday Apr 29 2041 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday Apr 16 2042 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday May 6 2043 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Monday Apr 25 2044 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday Apr 12 2045 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday May 2 2046 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Apr 23 2047 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday Apr 8 2048 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Wednesday Apr 28 2049 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Apr 19 2050 Yom HaShoah Jewish Holidays

Yom HaShoah Facts

    Monday, Apr 8, 2013
    Monday, Apr 28, 2014
    Wednesday, Apr 15, 2015
    Holiday Type
    Jewish Holidays

Other Holidays in May 


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