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Orthodox Easter in Australia

 This year: Sunday, May 5th, 2024

The Orthodox Christians celebrate the Easter Day not on the same day the westerns do and this is because the Orthodox community follows the Julian calendar. In Australia, the Orthodox community celebrate the Easter Day in a traditional, religious, yet celebratory way, just the way the rising of Jesus Christ from the dead should be celebrated. 

The Easter Day of Orthodox Community in Australia

On Easter Day, the Orthodox Christians greet each other with a Paschal greeting. The Paschal greeting begins with a phrase “Christ is risen!” and the response goes “Truly he is risen!” There is also a hymn the Orthodox community usually sing during the Easter Day services which happen in their respective churches. The title of the song they sing is “Christos Anesti” which means “Christ is risen.”

The Orthodox community also prepare Easter Eggs like most Christians do. However, the Orthodox Easter Egg bears just one colour, the colour red.  The red colour represents the blood of Jesus Christ during his suffering on his way to the cross and his death. Eggs, in the Orthodox tradition, symbolize the start of a new life. It can be equated to what has transpired on Easter Day—the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The red eggs are used in games as well which involves cracking it. The game represents Jesus Christ’s breaking from the tomb. The person whose egg did not break, or the last to break, is believed to be blessed with good luck and fortune.

Since Easter Day also serves as the day of breaking the fasting season, the Orthodox community prepare Easter Day foods to be shared after the Resurrections Services in their respective churches. The line-up of food usually consists of lamb meat, Tsoureki Paschalino or Easter bread, and dessert.  The lamb meat also serves as one of the symbols of Orthodox Easter Day. The use of the lamb meat originates from the Jewish tradition. In ancient times, the Jews would have to kill lamb to sacrifice and offer during festivals. In Orthodox Christian practice, the lamb represents Jesus Christ who had to sacrifice death in able to save mankind.

How the Public Observes Orthodox Easter Day

Orthodox Easter Day is not a federal holiday in Australia. However, since this event falls on a Sunday, there are no offices and schools during the day. In big cities, shops, restaurants, and other commercial establishments are open for business. The people who do not practice Orthodox religion go on their normal Sunday life, like relaxing at home with the family, or going out to shop and dine. The traffic during this day is not affected as well, and major transport companies continue their operations as well.

Weekday Date Year Name Holiday Type Where it is Observed
Sunday May 5 2013 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 20 2014 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 12 2015 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday May 1 2016 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 16 2017 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 8 2018 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 28 2019 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 19 2020 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday May 2 2021 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 24 2022 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 16 2023 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday May 5 2024 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 20 2025 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 12 2026 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday May 2 2027 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 16 2028 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 8 2029 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 28 2030 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 13 2031 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday May 2 2032 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 24 2033 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 9 2034 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 29 2035 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 20 2036 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 5 2037 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 25 2038 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 17 2039 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday May 6 2040 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 21 2041 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 13 2042 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday May 3 2043 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 24 2044 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 9 2045 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 29 2046 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 21 2047 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 5 2048 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 25 2049 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays
Sunday Apr 17 2050 Orthodox Easter Orthodox Holidays

Orthodox Easter Facts

    Sunday, May 5, 2013
    Sunday, Apr 20, 2014
    Sunday, Apr 12, 2015
    Holiday Type
    Orthodox Holidays

Other Holidays in May 


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