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Lag B'Omer in Australia

 This year: Sunday, May 26th, 2024

Lag B'Omer is a Jewish traditional celebration that happens on the 18th day of the Jewish calendar’s month of Iyar. The event is named as such to coincide with the 33rd day of the counting of Omer. Lag B'Omer marks the lifting of the restrictions and mourning practices that were set during the Omer period.

What the Jewish Community in Australia Do During the Lag B'Omer

Lag B'Omer celebration is usually a very joyous event for the Jewish community. This is the day when the mourning in the Omer season ends, and the restrictions are lifted. By this time, the Jewish people can already hold merry-making events such as birthday parties, wedding events, and other similar celebrations. In Jewish schools, this day is usually the day the teachers and students go to the park and have picnics and enjoy playful moments. Teachers also do not fail to educate the students the nature of Lag B’Omer and its significance to the Jewish people.

In the big cities of Australia such as Melbourne, the Jewish community holds fun and lively activities in the celebration of the Lag B'Omer. There are parades and marching in the streets that consist of fire trucks, stilt walkers, army trucks, colourful floats, and musical bands. The city parks also become a venue for upbeat Jewish activities such as night concerts and live entertainments. Alongside the activities, there are food stalls, carnival rides, contests, and bonfires. Lighting a bonfire is a tradition of Lag B'Omer celebration and the event is not complete without it.

The Public and the Celebration of Lag B'Omer in Australia

Australia has a strong presence of Jewish community that is why Jewish traditions and celebrations have become a part of the country over the years. In Australia, Lag B'Omer is not declared a public holiday. All government departments and public offices operate during the Lag B'Omer, unless this day falls on a non-working day. Schools are also open during this day, again, unless it falls on a weekend. Despite not being a public holiday, everyone is encouraged to participate in the celebration of the Lag B'Omer after their schools or work schedule.

Weekday Date Year Name Holiday Type Where it is Observed
Sunday Apr 28 2013 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Sunday May 18 2014 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Thursday May 7 2015 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Thursday May 26 2016 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Sunday May 14 2017 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Thursday May 3 2018 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Thursday May 23 2019 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Tuesday May 12 2020 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Friday Apr 30 2021 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Thursday May 19 2022 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Tuesday May 9 2023 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Sunday May 26 2024 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Friday May 16 2025 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Tuesday May 5 2026 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Tuesday May 25 2027 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Sunday May 14 2028 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Thursday May 3 2029 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Tuesday May 21 2030 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Sunday May 11 2031 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Thursday Apr 29 2032 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Tuesday May 17 2033 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Sunday May 7 2034 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Sunday May 27 2035 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Thursday May 15 2036 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Sunday May 3 2037 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Sunday May 23 2038 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Thursday May 12 2039 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Tuesday May 1 2040 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Sunday May 19 2041 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Thursday May 8 2042 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Thursday May 28 2043 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Sunday May 15 2044 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Friday May 5 2045 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Thursday May 24 2046 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Tuesday May 14 2047 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Friday May 1 2048 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Thursday May 20 2049 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays
Tuesday May 10 2050 Lag B'Omer Jewish Holidays

Lag B'Omer Facts

    Sunday, Apr 28, 2013
    Sunday, May 18, 2014
    Thursday, May 7, 2015
    Holiday Type
    Jewish Holidays

Other Holidays in May 


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