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Tisha B'Av in Australia

 This year: Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

Australia is one of the countries that have a strong presence of Jewish community. That is why in Australia, many Jewish celebrations and events are observed. One of these events is the Tisha B'Av. This event recalls the tragic events in the history of Jews. There are five sad events being remembered in Tisha B'Av.

Tisha B'Av Background

Also known as the “The Ninth of Av”, Tisha B'Av is a Jewish event that remembers the destruction of two Jewish temples and other tragic events in the Jewish history.  Tisha B'Av happens on 9th day of the month of Av in the Jewish calendar.

First Temple was built during the ruling of King Solomon, which was destroyed when the Babylonians invaded Jerusalem. Second Temple was built on the same site, and it was again destroyed by the Romans when they invaded Jerusalem. About 656 years apart, the two temples were destroyed on same day—9th day of the month of Av. Tisha B'Av originated from the tragic destruction of these Jewish Temples.

Apart from the temples' destruction, Tisha B'Av also recalls two more unfortunate events in the Jewish history. These events are expulsion of Jewish community in England and in Spain. It was in 1290 when the Jewish people were expelled in England, and it was in 1492 when they were expelled in Spain—both happened in the ninth day of the month of Av.

Tisha B'Av Australia

Tisha B'Av is not a public holiday in Australia. In remembrance of tragic events that happened on 9th of Av, the Jewish community in this country spend the day mourning, reflecting, and fasting. In fact, some of the Jewish people start remembering the tragic events as soon as the first day of the month of Av. Jewish community in Australia is not allowed to engage in merry-making happenings during Tisha B'Av. There are number of prohibited activities in time for the commemoration of the tragic events that happened in Jewish people. The purpose for these restricted activities is to let the Jewish community feel the pain and tragedy that happened on 9th of Av.

Fasting is an important part in Tisha B'Av. It starts in eve of the Tisha B'Av and ends on night of the event. Some Jewish people in Australia do not fast when Tisha B'Av falls on the rest day, or the Shabbat day, and they do the fasting on the following day instead.

Tisha B'Av’s Restricted Activities

 There are activities that are not allowed to perform in the observance of the tragic events that took place on the ninth of Av. These activities include:

  • Eating and drinking
  • Taking a bath
  • Anointing of oil
  • Wearing nice clothes and leather footwear
  • Sexual encounters and other pleasurable activities
Weekday Date Year Name Holiday Type Where it is Observed
Tuesday Jul 16 2013 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Aug 5 2014 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Jul 26 2015 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Aug 14 2016 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Aug 1 2017 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Jul 22 2018 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Aug 11 2019 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Thursday Jul 30 2020 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Jul 18 2021 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Aug 7 2022 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Thursday Jul 27 2023 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Aug 13 2024 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Aug 3 2025 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Thursday Jul 23 2026 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Thursday Aug 12 2027 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Aug 1 2028 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Jul 22 2029 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Thursday Aug 8 2030 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Jul 29 2031 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Jul 18 2032 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Thursday Aug 4 2033 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Jul 25 2034 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Aug 14 2035 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Aug 3 2036 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Jul 21 2037 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Aug 10 2038 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Jul 31 2039 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Thursday Jul 19 2040 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Aug 6 2041 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Jul 27 2042 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Aug 16 2043 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Tuesday Aug 2 2044 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Jul 23 2045 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Aug 12 2046 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Thursday Aug 1 2047 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Jul 19 2048 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Sunday Aug 8 2049 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays
Thursday Jul 28 2050 Tisha B'Av Jewish Holidays

Tisha B'Av Facts

    Tuesday, Jul 16, 2013
    Tuesday, Aug 5, 2014
    Sunday, Jul 26, 2015
    Holiday Type
    Jewish Holidays

Other Holidays in August 


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