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Isra and Mi'raj in Australia

 This year: Wednesday, February 7th, 2024

The event Isra and Mi'raj is an event in the Muslim community. Isra refers to the Prophet Muhammad’s miraculous journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, while Mi’raj refers to the Prophet Muhammad’s ascension to heaven. This event is observed on the 27th day of the month of Rajab or the seventh month in the calendar of Islam.

Isra and Mi’raj and the Muslim Community in Australia

Customs and traditions in observing the Isra and Mi’raj depend on the different communities of Islam. Majority of the Muslim community go to mosques to pray, or to study the message of the Isra and Mi’raj. There are Muslim organizers who usually would arrange activities in the Mosques to commemorate the Isra and Mi’raj, like scripture readings, prayer services, preaching, and other activities related to Isra and Mi’raj. Some people who cannot make it to the mosques take time to pray and study Isra and Mi’raj in their own homes. It is the responsibility of the parents to teach and educate their children on what transpired during the journey of the Prophet Muhammad. Similarly, Muslim schools in Australia also teach their students the background of the Prophet Muhammad’s journey few days before the event comes.

Apart from the religious tradition, the Muslim community also takes time to decorate their homes for the Isra and Mi’raj event. They take this opportunity to be with their family members, relatives, and friends and partake on foods, especially sweets. The community is also decorated with small lights that resemble a candle, or they light an actual candle in front of their houses.

The Public Observance of Isra and Mi’raj in Australia

Australia does not declare the event Isra and Mi’raj a national federal holiday. If this event falls on a working day, private and public offices and establishments will still have to open to serve the public. Similarly, the schools have classes during the event, unless it falls on a weekend. The Muslim schools in Australia, on the other hand, may pronounce a no-class day in the commemoration of the Isra and Mi’raj. The roads near the Mosques might get a bit congested because of the attendees of the Isra and Mi’raj services there.

Muslims who wish to take part of the event are encouraged to file a leave of absence so they can also go to the mosques and observe Isra and Mi’raj.

On the tenth year of his being a prophet, angel Gabriel woke Prophet Muhammad from sleep. The angel travelled him to Jerusalem, until he reached the Temple of Solomon where he prayed with the prophets Abraham, Moses, Jesus and others. From the rock of the temple mount, angel Gabriel lifted Prophet Muhammad to heaven.

Weekday Date Year Name Holiday Type Where it is Observed
Thursday Jun 6 2013 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Tuesday May 27 2014 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Saturday May 16 2015 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Thursday May 5 2016 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Monday Apr 24 2017 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Friday Apr 13 2018 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Wednesday Apr 3 2019 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Sunday Mar 22 2020 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Thursday Mar 11 2021 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Tuesday Mar 1 2022 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Saturday Feb 18 2023 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Wednesday Feb 7 2024 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Monday Jan 27 2025 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Friday Jan 16 2026 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Wednesday Jan 6 2027 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Sunday Dec 26 2027 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Thursday Dec 14 2028 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Tuesday Dec 4 2029 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Saturday Nov 23 2030 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Wednesday Nov 12 2031 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Monday Nov 1 2032 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Friday Oct 21 2033 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Tuesday Oct 10 2034 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Sunday Sep 30 2035 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Thursday Sep 18 2036 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Tuesday Sep 8 2037 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Saturday Aug 28 2038 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Wednesday Aug 17 2039 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Monday Aug 6 2040 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Friday Jul 26 2041 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Tuesday Jul 15 2042 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Sunday Jul 5 2043 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Thursday Jun 23 2044 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Tuesday Jun 13 2045 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Saturday Jun 2 2046 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Wednesday May 22 2047 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Monday May 11 2048 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Friday Apr 30 2049 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays
Tuesday Apr 19 2050 Isra and Mi'raj Muslim Holidays

Isra and Mi'raj Facts

    Thursday, Jun 6, 2013
    Tuesday, May 27, 2014
    Saturday, May 16, 2015
    Holiday Type
    Muslim Holidays

Other Holidays in February 


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